MONROE: District to spend $2.4 million for iPads

By David Kilby, Managing Editor
   MONROE — The Monroe Township School District has decided to take another step into the future by purchasing iPads for its high school students.
   The purchase of the iPads was approved at the July 20 meeting and will be covered by the budget for the new high school.
   ”This is not new and clearly not state money,” said Lew Kaufman, board member, while emphasizing the cost savings in buying iPads for high school students. “You could buy three iPads for the price of one laptop.”
   He added, “We’re looking for a textbook-free environment. Just not having to buy textbooks is a large expense.”
   But John Leary, board member, said this decision is being made too quickly.
   ”I’m contesting the management process,” he said. “This is coming at the 11th hour and the 59th minute. It should have been looked at two years ago.”
   ”You have to understand the paradigm is shifting,” Mr. Kaufman replied, adding if the board didn’t approve the purchase of the iPads at the meeting, it would be delaying the process by at least a month.
   ”The funding is there in the budget,” he said. “The money is earmarked for technology, anyway.”
   When the school district issued $41,900,000 in bonds in 2008 for the construction of the new high school, it allotted $2.4 million of that money for technology items, and that $2.4 million will be used mostly for iPads.
   The bonds were approved by voters through referendum in 2003.
   ”You’re talking several millions of dollars here,” Mr. Leary said.
   ”It certainly is not a purchase that has been taken lightly or haphazardly,” said Dr. Kenneth Hamilton, superintendent.
   Mr. Leary motioned for the decision to be tabled until after all subcommittees had a chance to talk about it, but the motion wasn’t seconded.