Supporting Rich Smith for Montgomery post

Christine Madrid, Montgomery
To the editor:
Come November, I will be enthusiastically voting for Rich Smith for Montgomery Township Committee. The current Republican team is doing a great job and Rich’s unique background and dedication to Montgomery will ensure that we stay on the right track.
   Rich and his wife, Valerie, moved to Montgomery 15 years ago and quickly became involved in the community. Rich was one of the founding officers of the Montgomery Township Education Foundation – a nonprofit committed to supporting our public school system and children (like his two daughters). During his time with the MTEF, its biggest accomplishment was securing funding for the construction of Cougar Stadium.
   Rich and his family also helped lead the local relief effort for Hurricane Katrina victims in 2005. Along with several other families, Rich and Valerie organized and obtained donations. Not only did they gather enough supplies to fill up a 50-foot trailer, they also drove down to Biloxi, Mississippi to deliver the goods.
   In addition, Rich’s community service includes volunteer work with our local government. He is currently serving on Montgomery’s Zoning Board and is a former member of the Transportation Advisory Committee.
   However, what makes me so excited about Rich is his construction engineering and business background. Rich has worked for some of the largest construction companies in the nation and is an infrastructure expert. Montgomery faces several significant challenges with our sewer system and roadways over the next few years. Clearly, he has the right experience and the right skills at the right time. On Nov. 8, please vote for Rich Smith. Montgomery needs him.
Christine Madrid