Party affiliation should not affect local voting

Paola and Andrew Blelloch, West Windsor
West Windsor voted for and has for the past years enjoyed a non-party form of government. The issues on the right and left that so dominate the governance of the state and country simply do not apply to the issues of concern to the township. While we are registered Democrats we can agree on many issues with registered Republicans and no doubt many Democrats oppose our priorities. Party affiliation should simply not affect our thinking on local matters.
   We now understand that the Republicans are organizing a slate of Republican candidates for the upcoming municipal elections so that they can control the Township Council. In response a slate of Democrats is being organized to oppose them. So next summer we can expect our council members to determine their votes not based on the interests of the residents of this township but on the concerns of the special interests that supports the party they represent.
   What a disgrace! This is not what our citizens voted for.
   At the last mayoral election Council Member Linda Geevers, a registered Republican, strongly supported Mayor Hsueh, a registered Democrat and we celebrated his victory at her house. Now, we understand, she has been told to toe the Republican party line and consistently votes against him. Perhaps this is because of an ambition to stand for a seat in the New Jersey Assembly. If so, she should be ashamed of putting her political ambitions before the interests of the residents who voted for her based on the agenda she then stood and promised to fight for.
   Perhaps a number of independents can be organized to stand who will vote in accordance with the interests of the people they represent rather than the dictates of their party.
Paola and Andrew Blelloch
West Windsor