Holistic Health Fair to be held in New Egypt

PLUMSTED — A Holistic Health Fair will take place in New Egypt from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sept. 24 at the American Legion hall, 2 Meadowbrook Lane.

Attendees will meet more than 30 holistic practitioners and crafters, including reiki, yoga, massage, nutrition, handmade soap with essential oils, Native American jewelry, skin care, green products, intuitives, Georgian Court University’s Holistic Health Department, t’ai chi, Eden Energy Medicine, Nikken, CSA (community-supported agriculture) farms, artists, authors and workshops.

There will be individual sessions, giveaways, raffles and food. A suggested donation of $2 plus a canned good or blanket to support the local food pantry and the feral cat control program will be accepted. The event will be hosted by Next Step Strategies. For more information, call 609-752- 1048 or www.NextStepStrategiesLLC.com.