Keyport forms storm preparedness committee


KEYPORT — Though the borough experienced little to no damage as a result of Hurricane Irene, the Borough Council has established a special ad-hoc committee to address preparedness issues for future storms.

Council President Joseph Sheridan proposed the three-person committee to implement suggestions, particularly ways to keep citizens informed prior to and during severe weather.

“The ideas would primarily focus on communication, like how we would like to get information and, more importantly, how to best get the word out to our residents,” Sheridan said .

Sheridan, who also serves as borough police commissioner, will be joined by Councilwoman Christian Bolte, public works liaison, and Councilman Warren Chamberlain, fire commissioner, who agreed to join the committee prior to its approval at the Sept. 6 Keyport Borough Council meeting.

Bolte is eager to begin work with the committee as she said communication is an area in need of improvement.

“After my personal experience with the blizzards of last year, I realized just how difficult it can be to reach people with crucial information in a time of need,” she said, adding she used her own and other Keyport Facebook pages to update residents.

“It hasworkedwell butwe have to do more as a municipality and I am ready to get in a roomand offer up all of the new ideas and suggestions that have been communicated to me directly,” she added.

In addition to the members of the council, members of the borough Office of Emergency Management will provide input and “be a key asset in the success of this task force,” Sheridan said.

He said he hopes the committee will be able to meet in the next few weeks to make recommendations to the full council that “we could implement in the short-term that would enable Keyport to better serve its citizens.”

The suggestions pertaining to improved communication include use of voice blasts, Keyport’s Channel 15, Keyport High School’s digital signs and playing recorded messages on Union Beach’sAMradio station.

Lt. Anthony Gallo of the Keyport Police Department suggested providing information at The Home Depot and Stop & Shop as residents shop for storm supplies.

Additionally, residents and council members discussed measures at the council meeting, including the utilization of a landline number at the Borough Hall where residents can call in during a weather event to hear recorded messages.

Other ideas were raised during a recent post-storm critique held Sept. 1. The meeting included Sheridan, Gallo, Ken Krohe, of OEM, Tom Gallo, of the Keyport Fire Department and OEM, and Lorene Wright, borough administrator.

During Hurricane Irene, messages regarding Mayor Robert E. McLeod’s voluntary evacuation order and curfew were made available on the borough website,