Two vehicles were reported entered during overnight hours.
A Cranford resident reported Sept. 11 that his vehicle had been entered when it was parked on McIntire Drive. A wallet and $100 in cash was reported stolen.
A Campbell Road resident said his vehicle was entered when it was parked in front of his residence. Electronics valued a $550 were reported stolen.
Artemio Medina, 19, of Hillsborough was charged with trespassing Aug. 30 after he was found sleeping in a condo association’s pool house on Bloomingdale Drive at 11:45 p.m. He was released after processing.
Karin Stravalacci, 52, of Hillsborough was charged with driving while intoxicated while she was driving a black Kia on Marshall Road. She registered a breath test result of 0.18 percent blood alcohol, police said. She was released after also being charged with failure to keep right and driving with an obstructed view.
Two marijuana-related charges were reported.
On Aug. 15, Michael Finnegan, 21, of Hillsborough was charged with possession of less than 50 grams of marijuana after an officer saw him parked at Hillsborough High School at 1 a.m. He was released after also being charged with possession of drug paraphernalia, as well as a controlled dangerous substance in a motor vehicle.
Rosario Grisafi Jr., 27, of Hillsborough was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia after officers found a glass pipe used to smoke marijuana in his residence during a separate investigation. He was released after processing.