
HIGHTSTOWN: Meet Borough Council candidate John Archer

The lifetime Hightstonian is running for a three-year seat

By Jen Samuel, Managing Editor
 “We are viable and sustainable. We have to investigate all of our options and not quit." -John Archer
HIGHTSTOWN — Lifetime Hightstonian and military veteran John Archer, a Republican, is running for a three-year seat on Borough Council.
Mr. Archer, 63, said that one of the greatest things about Hightstown is its spirit.
"It’s amazing to be a part of it,” Mr. Archer said. He was born in Hightstown.
He served America in the Army during the Vietnam war from 1968 to 1971 as a missile radar technician. Locally, Mr. Archer is a past commander of the American Legion Post 148 in Hightstown, of which he is still a member.
He called volunteers “the heart and soul of Hightstown,” and cited the Hometown Harvest Fair on Oct. 1 as a recent example. Mr. Archer worked this year as a committee member for the fair.
Mr. Archer has been a member of the Hightstown Fire Engine Co. 1 for more than 30 years. He was the department’s fire chief for 10 years, and his experience in that position includes leading the department on Sept. 11.
This election, Mr. Archer wants to focus on the key issues of: improving the revenue streams to Hightstown, addressing the quality of life issues including code enforcement, and stabilizing taxes without losing any more services.
Mr. Archer expressed support for Hightstown’s independence.
"We are viable and sustainable,” he said. “We have to investigate all of our options and not quit.”
Mr. Archer continued, "I have been a lifelong resident of the Borough of Hightstown and have seen how we have progressed to this point. I think now is a time that we need what I have to offer."
Mr. Archer said he has participated in public service within the borough for more than 30 years.
"First, as a volunteer fireman and then 15 years as a foreman for the Hightstown Public Works Department, I have a good working knowledge of Hightstown’s infrastructure and the problems and possible solutions therein.
"My many years as chief of the fire department and my current employment afford me a big edge on handling municipal budgets and their process. I love Hightstown and have put my money where my mouth is for over 30 years. I have stepped up to the plate and will continue to do so if I am elected. I do have a proven track record.”
Mr. Archer served as the borough’s emergency management coordinator for two years.
He explained that his experience dealing with Hightstown’s budgetary processes exceeds more than 10 years.
He is a member of the Hightstown Water and Sewer Committee.
Mr. Archer is an alumnus of Hightstown High School and studied business administration in college.
Today, he is the director of the Robbinsville Township Division of Fire, and serves on the Robbinsville Planning Board.
Additionally, he is a reservist in U.S. Army.
Mr. Archer and his wife, Gigi, have been married since 1989. They live in a home built in 1950 by Mr. Archer’s father.