‘Green’ lawn products from Watershed Group

The Lawrence Brook Watershed Partnership is offering an organic (chemicalfree) lawn and home cleaning product sale 10 a.m.-noon Saturdays at their headquarters, 85 Washington Ave., Milltown. Prices have been reduced by 50 percent.

The nonprofit volunteer organization, dedicated to the protection of the Lawrence Brook Watershed, seeks to encourage area residents to avoid the use of toxic lawn, garden products and home cleaning liquids. Data shows that storm water runoff, contaminated by chemical lawn fertilizers and pesticides, is a significant contributor to degradation of the quality of drinking water supply. Lawns and gardens fed with organic fertilizers and insecticides are naturally healthier than those fed with chemicals, and are low in phosphate, which is one of the major contaminants in streams. Recent laws are affecting the use of chemical fertilizers.

Proceeds from the sale are dedicated to the costs of the watershed’s nature walks, bike rides, educational programs, town cleanups as well as mailing and printing costs.

Order forms will be available at headquarters, online at www.lbwp.org, or by calling (732) 249-5297(LBWP) for more information.