
Nov. 10  Vendor Night and Dine-to-Donate, sponsored by the Golden Bear Chargers, 6:30- 9:30 p.m., at the Cambridge Inn, 19 Summerhill Road, Spotswood. Shopping, dining, raffles, 50/50. Vendors include Tastefully Simple, BeautiControl, Cookie Lee Jewelry, Scentsy candles, Pampered Chef, more. Cambridge Inn will donate 10 percent of supporters’ food bills to the Chargers. Free admission. Log on to

Nov. 10 & 11  Benefit Day, sponsored by Our Lady of Lourdes School, Milltown, 11 a.m. Nov. 10 to 2 a.m. Nov. 11, at T.G.I. Friday’s, Route 1 south, North Brunswick. Restaurant will donate 20 percent of each supporter’s check (eat-in or takeout) to the school. Diners must present event flier for the donation to count. For fliers, call the school office at 732-828-1951 or log on to

Nov. 10-30  New Hats, Scarves, Socks and Gloves Collection, to benefit homeless men, women and children, sponsored by KidZdent Kares, Helping Hands for the Holidays, at KidZdent Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, 2455 Route 516, Old Bridge. Donations will be given to Holiday Express ( Individuals who make a donation are entered into a drawing for an iPod shuffle; winner announced online at www.kidzdent.comand on the dental office’s Facebook and Twitter pages. 732-679-2323.  Food Drive, to benefit needy families in East Brunswick, sponsored by East Brunswick Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 133. Donations of dried and canned foods may be dropped off at the post home, 485 Cranbury Road. Call 732-254-9674; log on to

Nov. 10-Dec. 1

 Holiday Gift Drive, to benefit youngsters in foster care, conducted by Lisa De- Marco and Danielle DeMarco of The Bird House, East Brunswick, in conjunction with Middlesex County Foster and Adoptive Family Services (FAFS). Sought: new toys, books, clothing, gift cards, etc., for youngsters infancy-age 18. Items distributed to children in the foster-care system in Middlesex County. Drop off donations at The Bird House, 1020 Route 18, East Brunswick. Local pickups available. Email [email protected]; call 908-420-3348.

Nov. 10-Dec. 4  Holiday Grave-Blanket Sale, sponsored by St. Mary’s Altar Rosary Society, South River. Cost is $24 for a 36-inch blanket decorated with pinecones, poinsettias, bow. Orders taken after all Masses at St. Mary’s Church, Jackson Street, South River. Pickup planned for noon-2 p.m. Dec. 10. Call Lydia at 732-432-8381, Joan at 732-254-2282.

Nov. 11  Holiday Bazaar and Ham Dinner, sponsored by Spotswood Reformed Church, at the church hall, 429 Main St. (across from the Spotswood post office). Bazaar set for 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Dinner served 4:30-7:30 p.m. (takeouts available after 5:30 p.m.); tickets cost $13 for seniors and other adults, $7 for ages 7-12, free for youngsters under age 5. Winners in the Circles of Friendship quilt raffle drawn at approximately 7:30 p.m. Bake Shop, Attic Treasures area, gift room open until 8 p.m. 732-251-9277.  Tricky Tray, sponsored by the Little House Association of South River, doors open at 6:15 p.m., first drawing at 8 p.m., at Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 1451, 31 Reid St., South River. Cost is $6 at the door; includes one sheet of regular-prize tickets. Admission tickets not sold in advance. Coffee, light snacks served. Additional beverages available for purchase. Must be age 18 or above to attend. Call Linda at 732-257- 3274; email [email protected]; log on to

Nov. 12

 Old-Fashioned Christmas Bazaar and Silent Auction, sponsored by Trinity Presbyterian Church, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., at the church, 367 Cranbury Road, East Brunswick. Handcrafted ornaments and home décor; knitted, crocheted items; home-canned fruits, jams, jellies; hand-beaded jewelry; handmade greeting cards; homemade bake-sale treats; holiday gifts for pets; children’s shopping spot. Silent auction with more than 40 theme baskets. Light breakfast, lunch. 732- 257-6636.

 Fundraising Gala, to benefit the 2012 East Brunswick Baseball League 12U Cooperstown Team, 7-11 p.m., at the Imperial Music Center, 48ApplebyAve., South River. Buffet dinner with carving stations, desserts, unlimited soda, beer, wine, sangria. New Jersey’s Most Wanted: A Rock ’N’ Roll Party Band, dancing, raffles, door prizes. Tickets cost $65 each. Call Cathy or Rob at 732-991- 4568 or 732-991-3968.

 Mini Flea Market, sponsored by the Men’s Auxiliary of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 2319, 8 a.m.-3 p.m., at the post home, 45 Broad St., Milltown. Household items, children’s clothing, tools, antiques, toys, electronics, cosmetics, more. 732-828- 2221.

 Garage Sale and Gala Gift Auction, sponsored by St. Peter’s Church, Garage Sale 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Gala Gift Auction begins at 6 p.m., at the church, Rector and Gordon streets, PerthAmboy. Kitchen open 9 a.m.-3 p.m. and at 5 p.m. Admission is $10; price includes one card. Call Joan at 732-826- 1594.

 Flapjack Fundraiser Breakfast, sponsored by the Middlesex County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), 8-9:30 a.m., at Applebee’s of Milltown, 324 Ryders Lane. Tickets cost $10. 732-433-2017.

Nov. 13  All-You-Can-Eat Pancake and Much More Breakfast, sponsored by the Sons of theAmerican Legion, American Legion Post No. 25, 8 a.m.-noon, at the post home, 4 JFK Blvd., Milltown. Donation is $7 for adults, $3 for youngsters under age 10; free to children under age 5. Free parking across the street from the post home. 732-828-7125.

Nov. 16 & Dec. 2  Holiday Gift Drive, sponsored by the Middlesex County 4-H Teen Council, 7-9 p.m., at the 4-H Center, 645 Cranbury Road, East Brunswick; drop-offs also may be made to the 4-H office by appointment. Seeking new clothing, toys, games, other items for infants age 18. Drive supports the council’s Project GIFT holiday charitable event, which provides a free day of holiday shopping for more than 125 needy families in Middlesex County. Monetary donations accepted. 732- 398-5261.