The Holland-America Group brings together Dutch-speaking people in central New Jersey for three to four lunches annually at restaurants in Monmouth and Ocean counties and for a summer barbecue. A New Year’s Eve party for members will be held at a member’s house in Freehold. Dutch-speaking people who are interested in joining the group should contact Arnold van Ruitenbeek at 732-361-1278 or email [email protected].
An end-of-life issues seminar hosted by the St. Veronica Church Respect Life Committee will be held at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 17 in the school cafeteria at 4215 Route 9 north, Howell. Guest speakers Sean Houston, M.D., and Deacon Richard Weber, Esq., will discuss the medical aspects of end-of-life issues and the religious and legal aspects. Some of the topics that will be covered are care of the elderly and critically ill; ordinary and extraordinary means of health care; feeding tubes; life support; palliative care; advanced directives; DNR directives; assisted living; nursing homes; hospice care; medical and legal definition of death; assisted suicide; and euthanasia. Information about these topics will be available. Aquestion-and-answer period will follow the talks. Light refreshments will follow the seminar. Details: 732-367-2565 or email [email protected].