HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP: Rabid raccoon found in Elm Ridge

   A rabid raccoon was found on Dec. 15 off Elm Ridge Road in the area of Tara Way, East Acres and West Shore drives.
   According to the Hopewell Township Department of Health, the sick raccoon was found by a homeowner on an Elm Ridge Road property.
   ”The raccoon was removed by Animal Control and taken to the Mercer County Wildlife Center. Later the same day, it was humanely euthanized and sent for testing the next day,” said Gary Guarino, health officer.
   When the results came back, Mr. Guarino noted, it was learned that “the raccoon tested positive for rabies.”
   Health officials are asking area residents and/or pet owners, who “may have had an encounter with a sick raccoon, or any other suspicious-acting animal to notify the department immediately,” said Mr. Guarino.
   The department is concerned about the dangers of rabies exposure to family pets, especially those that are permitted outdoors, he said.
   . “Rabies is a frightening fatal illness that is highly infectious, even during the six-month period when the animal shows no symptoms at all. In New Jersey, cats are the most common domestic animal to become infected, and cats pose the greatest risk of spreading the disease to people,” said Mr. Guarino.
   Pet owners are reminded:
   — Do not allow pets to run at large. This can put them at risk of encountering rabid wildlife.
   — To verify that your pet’s rabies vaccinations are current. All kittens and puppies need to receive their first rabies vaccine at 3 months of age and then regularly thereafter.
   — Pets are required to wear collars with ID tags so they are easily identified and not mistaken as feral.
   Anyone seeing what appears as a sick or injured animal should notify the township police at 737-3100. They will notify the animal control officers.
   For more information, call Mr. Guarino at 737-0120, ext. 653.
    — Ruth Luse