“Year End” by Jean Hutter “Year End” by Jean Hutter The 2012 invitational show “Abstract Interpretations” will open at the Art Alliance of Monmouth County Jan. 7.

The show is curated by Oceanport artist, teacher and gallery owner James Kent, who has invited 21 artists to participate in this year’s show. The invitees include artists from Monmouth County as well as artists from southwest New Jersey and the greater Philadelphia area. These artists are working in a variety of highly personal and individual styles within the framework of contemporary abstract expressionism. A wide variety of media — paintings, collages, mixed media works and sculptures — is represented in this show. “Each of these artists has a distinctly individual vision, yet the works establish a rapport with each other that is enjoyable and instructive to explore,” Kent said in a press release.

 Untitled by Linda Gebhard Untitled by Linda Gebhard An opening Meet the Artists reception will be held on Saturday, Jan. 7, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Art Alliance, 33 Monmouth St., Red Bank. The public is invited. The show runs through Feb. 1.

Kent has taught the Lyrical Abstract Expressionism painting class at the Guild of Creative Art in Shrewsbury since 2005. In 2007, he openedABstract EXpressions Contemporary Art Gallery in Mount Holly as a venue to showcase contemporary abstract art. There have been more than 24 exhibitions featuring the works of nearly 60 artists at the gallery since its opening.

TheArtAlliance is open Tuesday through Saturday from noon until 4 p.m. For more information, contact the Art Alliance at 732-842-9403 or visit

 “The Shadow Line” by Kim DiLoreto “The Shadow Line” by Kim DiLoreto