PLAINSBORO: Cantu re-elected as mayor again

By Heather Niccoli, Staff Writer
   PLAINSBORO — The Plainsboro Township Committee re-elected Mayor Peter Cantu as mayor once again at Tuesday night’s reorganization meeting.
   This is Mayor Cantu’s 31st year as mayor and his 37th year on the committee.
   ”I truly enjoy what I am doing and I am thankful for the support of the Plainsboro voters,” Mayor Cantu said.
   Deputy Mayor Neil Lewis was re-elected by the committee to his position, making it his 18th year on the committee and 14th year as deputy mayor.
   Mayor Cantu and the committee appointed the following individuals to fill vacancies in the township boards and committees:
   Community development block grant committee: Robert Sheehan.
   Human Relations Council: Lauren Skowronski, Shikha Rastogi, Priya Nambiar, Keertana Anandra, Joshua Levy, and Victoria Rollins.
   Library Board of Trustees: Mayor Peter Cantu, Deborah Brett, Edmund Moeller, and Brian Stevens.
   Planning Board Class 1: Mayor Cantu.
   Planning Board Class II: Joseph Greer.