Six Flags Great Adventure, Jackson, and Discovery Education are partnering together to offer free admission to the theme park for K-6 students who participate in Read to Succeed, an online program geared to encourage students to read outside of the classroom.
According to a press release, students who complete six hours of non-schoolrelated reading, such as picture books, newspapers, comic books, novels and nonfiction materials, are eligible to earn a free admission ticket. Teachers with 10 or more students who participate in and complete the program are also eligible to earn a free ticket.
Read to Succeed registration is now open for all schools and is online at
“Last year, 1,600 schools and nearly 110,000 students throughout the tri-state area participated in this program,” said park President John Fitzgerald. “We aim to increase participation in 2012 by encouraging more teachers to register their classrooms and help foster a passion for reading among today’s students.”
Discovery Education packs the Read to Succeed website full of classroom and athome resources that focus on extending that passion beyond the classroom, according to the press release.
Suggested reading lists combined with puzzles, lesson plans and multimedia resources help increase student engagement as the books’ themes and concepts spring to life. At home, parents can extend learning with activities that incorporate and build upon classroom reading themes.
The registration deadline is March 1. Teachers are encouraged to register as soon as possible to provide their students with enough time to complete the required six hours of reading.