Michele Kaish’s reasons for seeking school board

Michele Kaish, West Windsor
To the editor:
I am thrilled to be a candidate for the West Windsor seat on the WW-P School Board.
   My husband and I have lived in West Windsor for 18 years. We have three sons who collectively have attended five schools in the district over the last 15 years. Since my oldest entered kindergarten in 1997, I have been a dedicated, committed volunteer both in and out of the classroom. In addition to countless hours helping, organizing and fundraising for classrooms, clubs and teams, I have held every possible PTA executive board position. If elected, I will bring to the board a successful history of leadership working collaboratively with parents, teachers, staff and administrators across the district. My hands-on experience gives me a unique perspective on school issues.
   My priorities for the WW-P School Board are:
   1) Fiscal responsibility
   We need to consider economy and efficiency in our school budget. In maximizing limited resources, quality instruction and programs should not be compromised.
   2) Support and develop the needs of the whole child
   I support the district’s goal to educate the “whole child, every child.” Teaching and learning should always be child-centered. Every effort must be made to keep class size down to ensure that all students are supported and engaged in learning to their potential. In meeting the needs of our students, every attempt must be made to maintain the depth and breadth of our extracurricular and co-curricular activities.
   3) Consistency
   Our school district should have clearly defined standards and expectations in all classes. It should not matter which school you attend or which teacher you have. Effective common assessments require consistency across our classrooms and school buildings.
   4) Technology
   Technology must be used for better communication to students and parents. Curriculum needs to be adapted to better integrate technology in instruction.
   If elected, I would be honored to serve on the school board. I am committed to maintaining excellence in education while keeping in mind the tax burden on WW-P citizens. I will make balanced and informed decisions that are focused on what is best for students. I will dedicate myself to working hard and contributing productively as a team member on the Board of Education.
   I ask for your support of my candidacy and welcome any communication on school issues that are important to you.
Michele Kaish
West Windsor 