Penn Brook history wanted

Jim Clarkeson
Ryan Karp
Penn Brook Club board
[email protected]
    Hello Penn Brook members! In anticipation of the upcoming 60th anniversary of the founding of the Penn Brook Swim Club, we are about to undertake a project to document the club’s history in a fun and celebratory manner. To us, time spent at Penn Brook is such a wonderful part of every summer — from the first chilly splashes on opening weekend to the last Labor Day dive — and we want to capture the essence of the club in book form.
   We envision a bound book along the lines of the “Images of America: Hopewell Valley” that uses pictures to tell a story. We are working with the one of the book’s authors and a local graphic designer to help bring this project to life. Many past and current members have expressed enthusiasm for the idea and we think now is a great time to act. We have contacted some of the original founding members and our goal is to connect with everyone we can.
   To make this book a true reflection of Penn Brook’s history, though, we need your help. We would like to borrow any pictures and documents that reflect your ties to the club. We will arrange for transport, help scan images, and return all material in exchange for permission to use. The kind of material we receive will help us with our final book design. Broadly, we see the book covering the following areas: Incorporation process (how the idea for Penn Brook came together); physical pool (acquisition of land, construction, expansion); stories of early families and members; swim/dive team histories; traditions (lifeguard, swim team sleepovers, parties, etc.); and famous and unforgettable members (oral histories).
   So dig out boxes from the attic, find your family albums, and see what great images you have to share. Have a fond memory? We want to hear it! Know of someone who has moved away, but would be a great person to contact for this project? Let us know!
   Please e-mail Jim Clarkeson or Ryan Karp with any questions, information, etc. We’re excited about this project and hope you are too!