Mary Bell
I have no sympathy for the Greek people and their present economic plight. Much of the reason for Greece’s financial crisis is overextended social benefits.
Did you know that hairdressers can retire as early as 50 in Greece because hair cutting is deemed to be a hazardous/high stress job? That’s right. Hairdressers have the right to retire in Greece with a full pension at age 50.
Moreover, the Greek government has identified at least 580 other job categories deemed to be hazardous/high stress whereby Greeks can retire early – at age 50.
The Greek law includes radio and television presenters, who are thought to be at risk from the bacteria on their microphones, and musicians playing wind instruments, who must contend with gastric reflux as they puff and blow.
As a consequence of decades of bargains struck between strong unions and weak governments, Greece has promised early retirement to about 700,000 employees, or 14 percent of its work force, giving it an average retirement age of 61, one of the lowest in Europe.
With austerity in Greece, Greek workers will still enjoy benefits that are long gone in the US.
Let us not forget American workers have seen their pension plans discontinued, their 401K matches reduced, and their retirement age extended beyond 65 for younger workers. Yet, we have not taken to the streets in outrage as have the Greeks.
Angela Merkel, chancellor of Germany, must hold fast in demanding reform in the Greek economy.