datebook •••

• “Hairspray” will be performed at the Jackson library, 2 Jackson Drive, at 2 p.m. July 21. The show’s “No. 1 fan,” Jessie Walker, and his troupe, will take on the roles of their favorite Broadway characters. Those attending can help Jesse celebrate his 27th birthday in this one-time-only performance. No one will be admitted after the doors close at 1:45 p.m. To reserve a seat, call 732-928-4400.

• Vendors are being sought for an indoor flea market that will be held from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sept. 8 at St. Aloysius Church, Bennetts Mills Road, Jackson. Tables are available at a cost of $20. Details: 732-901-6594 or 732-928-3145.

• Disabled American Veterans Chapter 77 meets at 7 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month at the Jackson VFW Post 4703, 54 Magnolia Ave., Jackson. The organization provides free assistance with earned veterans benefits, transportation and advocacy. For additional information, contact Pat McGoohan at 732-275-5851.

• The Old Guard of Greater Point PleasantArea, Chapter 11, will run a trip to Maine Sept. 10-13. The four-day, threenight trip will offer three breakfasts, three full dinners (including a lobster bake) and a welcome reception. Many places will be visited on the way to Bar Harbor. The cost is $470 per person. A$50 deposit is required with reservations, which is refundable until Aug. 5. Details: 732-886-2969.

• Vendors are sought for the Women of Purpose Ministries’ annual fashion show, slated for 6-10 p.m. Sept. 28 at the Holiday Inn, 290 Route 37 East, Toms River. The cost is $15 per table, plus a gift basket. Call 732-534-0506 to reserve a space.

• Bakers are needed to join an effort to help end childhood hunger. “Share Our Strength’s Great American Sale,” a national campaign that mobilizes Americans to end childhood hunger by holding bake sales in their communities, will be held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. July 3 at Bartley Healthcare Nursing, Rehabilitation and Assisted Living, 175 Bartley Road, Jackson. If interested, call Carly Rehmann at 732-370-4700, ext. 1303. Proceeds will be used for nutritious food for children dealing with hunger.

• A Victorian tea will be presented by the Howell Historical Society 1-4 p.m. June 24 at the MacKenzie Museum, 427 Farmingdale Lakewood Road (Route 524), Howell. The public is invited to sample herbal and assorted teas from around the world. Homemade finger sandwiches and specialty desserts will be served. Tickets: $10. Call 732-919-7036 or 732-901-8777.

• Vendors are needed for the Ocean County Historical Society’s 26th annual Olde TimeAntiques and Collectibles Faire. The event will be held 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 1 at the Ocean County parking garage between Hooper and Madison avenues in downtown Toms River. Vendors may rent inside or outside 20-by-20-foot spaces (equal to two parking spaces) for $45. In case or rain, all vendors are guaranteed space inside the garage. Details: 732-270- 4552 or [email protected].

• The Jackson library has kicked off its children’s summer reading program, “Dream Big: Read.” The program is free and open to the public. For more information about this and other summer activities, stop by the information desk at the library or visit the website at

• Congregation Ahavat Olam will host an open house for prospective new members at the synagogue, 106 Windeler Road, Howell, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 24. Guests will have the opportunity to tour the new facility and to meet Rabbi Michael Klein and Cantor David Amar. Light refreshments will be served. Congregation Ahavat Olam is a Conservative Jewish synagogue and is affiliated with United Synagogue. Details: 732-367-1677 or 732-363-5190.