MONTGOMERY: Township turns out for fireworks

By Jennifer Bradley, Staff Writer
   MONTGOMERY — Township residents celebrated the Fourth of July with face painting, funnel cake, water ice, music and fireworks at Montgomery High School on Thursday, June 28.
   As kids tossed around Frisbees and beach balls, others treated themselves to the various food vendors. Some circled around the venue and made sure to pick up every free item they could from the booths while others scrambled to reserve their patch of grass on the school’s lawn.
   Kids transformed into butterflies or Spiderman after having their faces painted, while teenagers caught up on the latest gossip since school let out.
   ”It’s really a social event,” said 14-year-old Jessica Lisowski from Montgomery. “It’s a place to see all our friends we haven’t seen for a few weeks and the fireworks are cool too.”
   The fireworks were the talk of the town at the festival.
   ”I like the fireworks because they are loud and colorful,” said 11-year-old Audrey Raphaels from Basking Ridge.
   ”I like the festival because we get to play Frisbee,” said Audrey’s sister Elizabeth Raphaels, 12.
   The sisters also recognized the importance of the Fourth of July.
   ”It’s important to celebrate the Fourth of July because it’s the day America got its freedom,” said Elizabeth.
   ”Also we get to go to a lot of parties,” added Audrey.
   Others had political reasons for participating in the festival.
   ”I came out because I’m with the Montgomery Tea Party and am trying to forward the cause of freedom,” said Walt Beadling, who was helping to run the Montgomery Tea Party booth. “We are celebrating the founding of our country and those are the principals we need to get back to.”
   Many others said they came to the event to see people from the community.
   ”I like the festival because we get to be with all of our friends,” said 10-year-old Alex Kowals from Montgomery.
   ”We’ve come for many years,” said Sarah Venema from Montgomery. “I think it’s good for the community to get everyone together.”
   Ellen and Tom Burnet from Montgomery said their kids made them come to the festival, but they were still enjoying themselves. They said their favorite part was the music the band was playing.
   No matter what the reason, when the first firework hit the sky at dusk the crowd was silenced in awe of the spectacle as they kicked off Fourth of July weekend together.