HOPEWELL VALLEY: Explorations offers courses for seniors

   Explorations, now in its fourth year of offering daytime learning experiences for Valley seniors, has lined up four fall courses. Two are new courses, one in American history and the other in mythology. The other two are returning favorites: Enjoying Shakespeare and Water Colors.
   In “American Colonies 1607-1770: Social and Economic History,” Stan and Cindy Saperstein trace the growth of the country’s early, small, isolated settlements into the thriving and expanding colonies of pre-revolution 1770. They often will appear in character and costume as people of the period. Classes begin Sept. 24 at 1 p.m. at the Pennington Methodist Church and will run for six sessions.
   In “Mythology: Gods, Goddesses & Nature,” Gopa Khandwala examines Greek, Roman and Hindu mythology as the attempts of these three cultures to understand and control nature through stories and worship. Their pantheon of gods, with emotions and weaknesses shared by humans, gave the worshippers rational explanations for the vagaries of nature. This four-session course begins on Sept. 26 at 1 p.m. at the Hopewell Valley Senior Center.
   In “Enjoying Shakespeare,” Larry Mansier returns with a focus on the Bard’s lighter side. The course begins with two comedies, “Much Ado About Nothing” and “Twelfth Night,” and concludes with “A Winter’s Tale,” part tragedy, part comedy and part fantasy. The six-session course begins on Sept. 25 at 1 p.m. at the Pennington Presbyterian Church.
   In “Basic Drawing and Water Colors,” Sue Ewart returns with her hands-on course. Each class will include a demonstration and individual coaching. As such, class size is limited to 12 students. If the class is oversubscribed, there will be a lottery; so folks registering for this class might want to list a second choice. This six- session course begins on Oct. 8 at 1 p.m. at the Hopewell Valley Senior Center.
   Fees are $30 for one course and $20 for each additional course. Fuller course descriptions and a registration form can be found at www.hvseniors.org and in the September issue of Senior Spirit.
   Registrants should send a check made out to HV Senior Foundation, as well as either a completed registration form or comparable information (name, address, telephone number, email address and class selections) to Rodney Newman, treasurer, Hopewell Valley Senior Foundation, 177 Shrewsbury Court, Pennington, 08534.
   The deadline for the foundation’s receipt of registrations is Sept. 18. All registrants can assume they have been registered for their course selections unless notified otherwise within a short time after the deadline.
   All course fees go to the Hopewell Valley Senior Foundation to pay for administrative costs, class materials and classroom space. Any funds remaining after expenses will be used to finance programs and projects benefiting Hopewell Valley seniors. Explorations is a volunteer organization underwritten by the Hopewell Valley Senior Foundation and sponsored by Hopewell Valley Senior Services.
   For further information, contact Mr. Mansier at 737-0863 or [email protected].