datebook 

 The Howell Senior Center will host the following lectures at 11 a.m.: Oct. 9 – balance and screenings; Oct. 18 – keeping your keys; Oct. 23 – gynecology issues in the elderly; and Oct. 25 – senior fraud education and protection. All lectures will be presented by health care and legal professionals and are geared toward Howell residents age 60 and over. A continental breakfast will be served prior to the morning lectures. Call the Howell Department of Senior Services at 732-938-4500, ext. 2552 for more information.

 The Cassville 7-Buck Club is sponsoring a bus trip to the Showboat Atlantic City casino on Sept. 22. Tickets are $35 per person and include round-trip motor coach transportation and a $20 casino voucher. Small coolers will be allowed on the bus, which will leave from the club at 698 Miller Ave. (at Bowman Road), Jackson, at 2:30 p.m. The bus will depart Atlantic City at 10 p.m. The trip is open to anyone age 21 and over. Details: [email protected].