Andrea Bradley, Skillman
To the editor:
The Packet recently published a letter to the editor signed by Lisa Dominick of Belle Mead. She was also liberally quoted in a front-page Packet article about high school rankings last month. Ms. Dominick, in her recent letter, says that she “was interested in hearing from [me].” Yet, Ms. Dominick has refused to provide me with a way to contact her directly so that I can speak to her about her concerns.
Who is “Lisa Dominick?” There is no one by that name registered to vote in Montgomery and no one by that name on Montgomery’s tax rolls. Perhaps Ms. Dominick doesn’t actually live in Montgomery, or perhaps she is a resident who prefers to make her public critiques of our schools and me behind the thick curtain of a pseudonym. As a candidate for Montgomery’s Township Committee, I know to expect partisan politics, but let’s be honest about who we are and what our objectives are.
I have been a member of Montgomery’s school board for 9 years and have been a committed volunteer in our community for more than 15 years. Over the years and throughout this campaign, I have spoken at length with many residents. We don’t always agree but I believe the sharing of differing views builds trust and fosters understanding.
As a member of Montgomery’s Township Committee, I will work to restore our fiscal sustainability, to revitalize our central business district, to forge a productive working relationship between the Township and our schools and to engage and include our citizenry in our decision-making process. I will put people before politics and never let short-term political gain trump the long-term best interests of our community.
My running mate, Mark Petraske, and I are eager to hear from the residents of Montgomery. We offer a committed, engaged style of leadership that will return our town to fiscal responsibility and make Montgomery an even better place to live.
We ask for your vote on November 6.
Andrea Bradley