Letter: School space crunch compels ‘yes’ vote

From Rich Young, Robbinsville
To the editor:
Nearly 10 years ago, my wife and I moved to Robbinsville because it had a good school system. Since that time, our schools have improved and our property values have benefited as a result.
Now, we have an opportunity to help take our schools to the next level. Like most of my fellow residents, I don’t want to see our property taxes increase. However, the reality is that if our schools do not get much needed repairs and additional space, our property values will be adversely impacted. The impact could be much greater than a relatively small increase in property taxes.
I encourage my fellow residents to seize the opportunity and vote YES on the Dec. 11 referendum that will keep our schools moving in the right direction. It’s a decision that will not only have a short-term impact, but one that yields tremendous value in the years to come.

Rich Young
