Fri., Feb. 8
   How to Sign up for a Gmail Account class 12 to 1 p.m. at South Brunswick Public Library, 110 Kingston Lane, Monmouth Junction. You will learn how to use basic functions such as checking your inbox and reading messages, replying to emails, composing and sending messages, and how to log in and out. Using Gmail class 1 to 1:30 p.m. Explore the many capabilities of your Gmail account and learn how to search mail, print messages, forward messages, delete messages. use drafts, use the address book, and send attachments. Note: MUST already have a Gmail account.
Sat., Feb. 9
   Family Storytime (All Ages) 11-11:30 a.m. at South Brunswick Public Library, 110 Kingston Lane, Monmouth Junction, Program Room 2 – Octagon. Specifically designed for families, open to all children and their caretakers.
   PC Computer Clinic, 1:30-4 p.m. at South Brunswick Public Library, 110 Kingston Lane, Monmouth Junction, Program Rooms 1A & 1B. Bring your computer with you; monitor not needed, but power cord required. (Depending on your computer’s age and the severity of the problem a “cure” is not guaranteed.) MACs not evaluated. Registration required. To register in-person go to the Information Desk, or call 732-329-4000, ext. 7286. To register online, go to the events calender on our website or register online.
Sun., Feb. 10
   Seed Exchange: The South Brunswick Garden Club will have its annual Seed Exchange from 1 to 4:45 p.m. in Meeting Room A/B of the South Brunswick Public Library, 110 Kingston Lane, Monmouth Junction. The free workshop is co-sponsored by the Dayton Village Citizens’ Coalition. Artist/Master Gardener Art Lee, South Brunswick resident, will be present to answer questions. Participants are invited to bring their favorite catalogues and gardening information to share. Enjoy an informative day of gardening. Refreshments will be served. Contact [email protected] , 732-329-3429 or 732-329-2144.
Tues., Feb. 11
   Sing A Long with Gwen. Join the fun of singing old familiar favorites with Gwen on piano at 12:30 p.m. at The South Brunswick Senior Center located in the Municipal Complex, 540 Ridge Road, Monmouth Junction. Open to township residents 55- plus only. Call 732-329-4000 X7670.
   Volunteers from the AARP Foundation TaxAide program will be preparing taxes in the library on Mondays from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the South Brunswick Public Library, 110 Kingston Lane, Monmouth Junction. Tax preparation is free with special attention to helping low- to moderate-income seniors although all ages and income levels are welcome. Make a reservation at the senior center and bring a photo ID and last year’s tax return. Program Rm. 1A/1B.
Wed., Feb. 12
   Effective Resume Writing at 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. at The South Brunswick Public Library, 110 Kingston Lane, Monmouth Junction. 732-329-4000 x7671. Program Room 1A & 1B. Learn how to write an effective resume and get an overview of all the free resources available at the Library that can help with your job search. Seating is limited. Registration is required.
Wed., Feb. 13
   Coffee & Conversation Book Club at 1:30 p.m., and International Film at 6:30 p.m. at The South Brunswick Public Library110 Kingston Lane, Monmouth Junction. 732-329-4000 x7671. Program Rooms 1A & 1B. Discuss “The Sense of an Ending” by Julian Barnes.
Thurs., Feb. 14
   Valentines Day Party will be hosted by The South Brunswick Senior Center located in the Municipal Complex, 540 Ridge Road, Monmouth Junction, starting with lunch at 11:30 a.m. followed by live music provided by G. Winston at 12:00pm. This is not for couples only everyone can join the fun. The admission is $2 Registration is required by Feb 5. For South Brunswick residents 55+ only. Call 732-329-4000 X7670.
   A health education program “Fall Prevention” sponsored by the South Brunswick Health Department and the South Brunswick Development Corp. will be held at Charleston Place Community Room 3424 Route 27, Kendall Park, followed by a free balance screening. Call Nancy MacKay at 732-329-4000 ext. 7258 or Anne Marie Nystrom at 732-951-1700. All are welcome.
Fri., Feb. 15
   Internet Basics and Beyond class 12:30 to 1 p.m. at South Brunswick Public Library, 110 Kingston Lane, Monmouth Junction. Use Google to learn Internet search skills and strategies. Beginning with differentiating between ISP’s, browsers and search engines, you will learn the parts of a URL and how to evaluate websites.
   Art Lecture for Seniors at 12:30 p.m. at The South Brunswick Senior Center located in the Municipal Complex, 540 Ridge Road, Monmouth Junction. Open to township residents 55- plus only. Call 732-329-4000 X7670. The lecture will focus on the life and works of artist Romare Bearden, a Harlem Renaissance painter. His early paintings were realistic with religious themes. Later, his works depict aspects of family culture in a semiabstract collage and Cubist style. Watch the art video with the expert interpretation and lecture presented by Maurice Mahler a historian, lecturer and artist.
   Internet Basics and Beyond at 12 to 1:30 p.m. at The South Brunswick Public Library 110 Kingston Lane, Monmouth Junction. 732-329-4000 x7671. Use Google to learn Internet search skills and strategies. Beginning with differentiating between ISP’s, browsers and search engines, you will learn the parts of a URL and how to evaluate websites.
Sat., Feb. 16
   Free Health Screenings 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the The South Brunswick Public Library lobby, 110 Kingston Lane, Monmouth Junction, during the book sale. Health professionals from St. Peter’s Hospital will do free blood pressure and blood sugar screenings. Open to all ages.
Sat., Feb. 16
& Sun., Feb. 17
   Love Them & Read Them Friends Book Sale, Saturday, from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. and Sunday, from 1 to 4 p.m. sponsored by the Friends of the South Brunswick Library, 110 Kingston Lane, Monmouth Junction. 732-329-4000 x7671.
Fri., Feb. 22
   Black History & Presidential Trivia game at 12:30 p.m. hosted by The South Brunswick Senior Center located in the Municipal Complex, 540 Ridge Road, Monmouth Junction. Open to township residents 55- plus only. Call 732-329-4000 X7670. There will be a variety of mind-testing questions from some black history. Test your knowledge of black culture and history as well as our presidents with this quiz. Buzz in your answers, score points win prizes.
Mon., Feb. 25
   Volunteers from the AARP Foundation TaxAide program will be preparing taxes in the library on Mondays from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the South Brunswick Public Library, 110 Kingston Lane, Monmouth Junction. Tax preparation is free with special attention to helping low- to moderate-income seniors although all ages and income levels are welcome. Make a reservation at the senior center and bring a photo ID and last year’s tax return. Program Rm. 1A/1B.
Tues., Feb. 26
   College Planning Seminar at 7 p.m. at The South Brunswick Public Library110 Kingston Lane, Monmouth Junction. 732-329-4000 x7671.
   The movie “Moonrise Kingdom” will be shown at 12:30 p.m. The South Brunswick Senior Center located in the Municipal Complex, 540 Ridge Road, Monmouth Junction. Open to township residents 55- plus only. Call 732-329-4000 X7670. The comedy tells the story of two 12-year-olds who fall in love, make a secret pact, and run away together into the wilderness. ruce Willis plays the local sheriff. Edward Norton is a Scout troop leader.
Wed., Feb. 27
   Quilting With Friends from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at The South Brunswick Public Library 110 Kingston Lane, Monmouth Junction. 732-329-4000 x7671. Quilters and other crafters will enjoy this social group the last Wednesday of each month. Bring along your quilting or sewing projects to work on while enjoying the company of others. Led by quilter Shirley Osipov.
   Dr. Gina DelGiudice, rheumatologist from Rheumatology Center of Princeton, at 10:45 a.m. will cover the different types of arthritis, treatments, diet and exercise at the South Brunswick Senior Center located in the Municipal Complex, 540 Ridge Road, Monmouth Junction. This lecture is free and open to South Brunswick residents 55+ only. For more information call 732-329-4000 X7670. She will answer questions during this informative talk & helpful tips about identifying and living with arthritis.
Mon., March 4
   Volunteers from the AARP Foundation TaxAide program will be preparing taxes in the library on Mondays from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the South Brunswick Public Library, 110 Kingston Lane, Monmouth Junction. Tax preparation is free with special attention to helping low- to moderate-income seniors although all ages and income levels are welcome. Make a reservation at the senior center and bring a photo ID and last year’s tax return. Program Rm. 1A/1B.