Don’t repeat mismanagement of Fort Hancock

This letter was prepared because I was unable to attend the National Park Service (NPS) meeting on Jan. 23 concerning the future plans for decommissioned Fort Hancock at Sandy Hook.

I have followed and been critical of the NPS’s improper and illegal attempt to outlease the Fort Hancock properties, which resulted in the NPS entering into an ill-conceived 60-year arrangement with Sandy Hook Partners, LLC, an offeror, which had neither the required corporate experience nor the funding to pay for labor and materials.

After a period of over 10 years, during which the NPS permitted Sandy Hook Partners, LLC, to attempt to secure funding, Sandy Hook Partners’ actions became such an embarrassment to the NPS that the lease was terminated and Sandy Hook Partners was shown the door, hopefully never to return.

This shameful, protracted chapter in the NPS’s mismanagement of Fort Hancock must not be repeated. But as I review the selected members who now sit on the newly established commission for planning the future of Fort Hancock, I do not see any of the members of the conservation organization once known as Save Sandy Hook, LLC. This organization, led by its late president, Judith Stanley Coleman, brought to the public’s attention the many environmental and procurement improprieties the NPS had committed in its attempt to conduct this ill-conceived proposal, which was ultimately terminated.

During this procurement, the NPS failed to abide and adhere to one of its basic founding tenets, even after it was plainly and clearly brought to their attention; namely, that the only commercial ventures allowed on national park land are those that enhance the recreational experience of park patrons.

It is said that those who ignore history are bound to repeat its mistakes. I sincerely hope that the NPS does not fall into that trap. National park land is a rare and alltoo valuable asset to be wrested from the control of its rightful owners, the people of the U.S.

To assist in Fort Hancock’s future planning, I propose that former members of Save Sandy Hook, LLC, be added to your commission as members. Two such citizens who did attend your meeting are Mrs. Tara Ryan, of Highlands, and Mr. George Moffatt, of Oceanport. Both are known for their conservation efforts and are well-regarded. They also are former members of Save Sandy Hook, LLC.

Peter P. O’Such Jr.

Retired Federal Procurement


Former member of

Save Sandy Hook, LLC

Lewes, Del.