February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

February has been designated National Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, a time to educate young people about dating violence prevention and the importance of healthy relationships. Teens experience the same types of relationship abuse as their adult counterparts; however, they often have the added pressure of abuse that comes from texts, emails and social media sites.

One in three teenagers in the U.S. is a victim of physical, emotional or sexual abuse from a dating partner. Young women ages 16-24 experience the highest rates of intimate partner violence. Violent relationships at an early age can have long-lasting effects, putting victims at higher risk for substance abuse, eating disorders, risky behaviors and further domestic violence. For these victims, it is often a shameful secret they never share.

In Monmouth County, 180 Turning Lives Around, a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to ending domestic and sexual violence with programs and services, can help teenagers avoid dating violence or deal with its consequences. Additionally, 180 Turning Lives Around provides support groups for teenagers who have been victims of dating abuse or sexual violence. 2NDFLOOR is a statewide, tollfree and confidential youth helpline at 1-888-222-2228, which is available 24 hours a day to all of New Jersey’s young people ages 10-24.

Recognizing abuse in a relationship can be difficult, especially for teens. It is important that they, their parents, teachers, counselors and other concerned adults know help is just a phone call away.

Anna Diaz-White

Executive Director

180 Turning Lives Around Inc.
