Geffken steps down from council

FARMINGDALE — Democratic Councilman Richard Geffken resigned from the Borough Council on Feb. 6, citing health concerns.

“It’s unfortunate that Rick is unable to complete his term because he has accomplished so much in his short time on the council,” Farmingdale Democratic Municipal Chairman Jan Zientek said.

Zientek said Geffken and Democratic Councilwoman Carly Immen were instrumental in establishing Farmingdale’s new recreation commission, which is charged with providing recreation opportunities to residents.

After receiving notification of Geffken’s resignation from the governing body, the Farmingdale Democratic Committee provided the Borough Council with the names of three candidates to replace him, in accordance with New Jersey law, according to a press release.

“We have great confidence in our Democratic replacement candidates,” Zientek said. “In submitting the names, I have requested that the council act swiftly to name the replacement so that the residents of Farmingdale are given what they voted for — full council membership. We hope not to see a council vacancy at any meetings due to Mr. Geffken’s unexpected departure, and expect that the council will not play politics with this selection.”

The names submitted by the Democrats were Jan Zientek, William “Beau” Byrtus and Bonnie Wright.

After all the members of the council resigned in August 2012, Geffken was the first person sworn in to a seat on the newly reconstituted governing body. He was subsequently elected to a seat on the council in the November election.

Geffken is a retired sales executive who worked in the computer industry for most of his career. He has lived in Farmingdale since 2008.

“We will miss Rick’s leadership and we wish him the best of health,” Zientek said.

The Borough Council will hold its next meeting on Feb. 19, at which time action could be taken to fill Geffken’s seat on the dais.

— Thomas Castles