Workshop on raising responsible children

The South Brunswick Parent Academy will host the presentation “Logical Consequences: Raising Responsible, Independent Children” from 7-8:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 21 at Crossroads North Middle School, 635 Georges Road, Monmouth Junction.

Participants of the workshop will receive hands-on experience in setting rules and limits for their children while exploring the philosophies of “empowering language” and “rules and logical consequences.” The workshop will examine the developmental causes of children’s misbehavior and discuss proactive and reactive strategies that help guide positive behavior.

Interested parties can register online at by clicking the South Brunswick Parent Academy icon, or by emailing [email protected]. If you are emailing your registration, be sure to include your name, telephone number, email address, your child’s grade and the ages of any children over age 3 that may require child care.