Brookdale Community College will host about 1,800 of Monmouth County’s most talented middle school and high school students at its Lincroft campus during the annual Teen Arts Festival. Also featuring professional artists, musicians, dancers and writers, the festival’s opening reception will be held on Wednesday, March 20, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in the CVA Gallery, which is in the Center for the Visual Arts. The exhibition will showcase selected student works addressing the theme “Double Vision.” On Thursday, March 21, and Friday, March 22, more than 30 local professionals in theater, voice, dance, music, writing, film and the visual arts will lead master classes and workshops in Brookdale’s studios.
In a new offering this year, students will lead a series of “So You Want to Be” classes in architecture, interior design, graphic design and digital animation-3D design, enabling talented teens to get an inside look at these programs.
A highlight of the Teen Arts Festival each year is the adjudication of artwork on exhibit in the CVA building. Art professionals give group and individual critiques to participating students throughout the two-day festival.
Coordinating all of these events is Sandy Taylor, director of arts education at the Monmouth County Arts Council, or Monmouth Arts. In the wake of superstorm Sandy, Taylor initiated a shift in theme for this year’s festival from “Double Vision” to “ART HELPS,” encouraging students to envision the positive side that endures under the duress of catastrophe.
During the festival, teens are invited to participate in “ART HELPS” workshops by creating a mosaic art installation, drawing, painting, writing (prose and poetry), bookmaking, filmmaking, and posting Instagram photos based on the theme.
Opening Reception:
“Double Vision”
Teen Arts Festival
CVA Gallery
Brookdale Community
765 Newman Springs Road
Wednesday, March 20
6-7:30 p.m.