There are several statements which Monmouth County Freeholder John Curley made in the March 7 Tri-Town News article “Crossroads Residents Upset About Bust in Bus Service” that must be addressed.
If you call SCAT a week ahead, you can make a request for a pickup. However, they will call you a day before and they will then tell you if it is a confirmed appointment or not.
Crossroads at Howell is a Housing and Urban Development project building, not a private condo.
To meet the SCAT requirements, you must give personal data. The letter was signed by 90 percent of apartments (not condos). These people are good neighbors who realize that one day when they need that service, it will not be there. Once discontinued, it will be almost impossible to restore.
If other services such as police or fire departments had to rely on funding from casino revenues, they would cease to exist. We are asking the freeholders to seek some funds to, at best, give us some hope for a better quality of life.
Harry Haggren
Crossroads at