By Elana Bell
Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, based on the classic animated film, tells the enchanting story of a selfish prince transformed into a hideous Beast and the young woman who learns to see beyond his monstrous exterior. Complete with dancing silverware, crooning candlesticks, and a hilariously egotistical villain, this "tale as old as time" has moved audiences since its creation with its universal message about the transformative power of love. Now you can experience the phenomenon close to home, as Princeton High School Spectacle Theatre presents the show on Wednesday, April 10 at 4 pm and on Friday and Saturday, April 12 and 13 at 8 pm at the PHS Performing Arts Center. The show is suitable for all ages. Tickets for the Wednesday matinee are $5; tickets for the Friday and Saturday shows are $7 for students and seniors, and $15 for adults. We cordially invite you to "Be Our Guest" and come see this incredible production! Plus, stick around after the Wednesday show for a very special meet-and-greet with your favorite characters!