Cell phones and driving

with Sharon Peters


We’ve concluded, while observing much yapping on cell phones by drivers, that the ones who do that are guilty of doing about a million other stupid things while behind the wheel — many seem much more apt to run lights, eat or smoke even while holding the phone, and drive like fools. I think there’s an overarching attitude of selfishness and disregard for others among those who talk on the phone while driving that extends to other aspects of their driving behavior. It’s by no means scientific, but, I think, provable. Do you agree? Does research exist?


I have long believed much the same thing, and the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety just recently released a study that supports the conclusions you and I have drawn.

Drivers who speak on their phones while behind the wheel, the study found, are more likely to have other “dangerous driving” behaviors such as speeding, driving while drowsy, texting and not using seatbelts.

The nationwide study of 3,896 adults found that more than two-thirds of the respondents disapprove of using a cell phone while driving. Yet, many of them admitted to having done it with some regularity. The old, “I’m smarter than everyone else so the rules don’t apply to me,” mentality.

Other findings from the 2012 Traffic Safety Culture Index: 14 percent admitted to driving at least once in the last year at or above the legal alcohol limit; 38.4 percent have driven in the last month through a light that had turned red. Be careful out there.

Readers respond:

I recently suggested a roof-sweeping product for a woman seeking suggestions about how to get deep snow off the roof of her pickup without scratching the finish or climbing on top of a ladder. Several readers said paying $20 for a snow sweeper was unnecessary. Just cover the roof and windshield with a sheet, they suggested, tuck the ends into doors and close them, then haul the sheet off when it’s time to go. My response: that works fine in a fluffy snowfall. But if it’s one of those wet snowfalls and the temperature plummets, you’ll wind up with fabric frozen stiffly to the top of your vehicle. No fun, I can assure you. And scratching definitely occurs!

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