HOPEWELL BOROUGH: Hopewell officials face heavy agenda tonight

Parking and borough properties measures to be considered

By John Tredrea, Special Writer
   At its May 6 meeting, Hopewell Borough Council did not take formal action on a proposed ordinance that would reduce the time limit to 15 minutes at parking spaces on East Broad Street near Seminary Avenue.
   After discussing the matter at length, council members decided to continue the discussion on June 6 (today) at a session that will begin at 6 p.m. (time change) at Borough Hall, 88 E. Broad St.
   ”Continued discussion in the months ahead will be dedicated to identifying and resolving traffic and parking issues,” Clerk Michele Hovan said.
   ”The business community is rather unanimously opposed to dedicating any spots to 15-minute parking, although the library did support the proposed ordinance and other measures that would enable greater convenience to its patrons.”
   ALSO ON MAY 6, officials introduced an ordinance that regulates the use of borough properties, including the railroad station, by private parties.
   This proposed measure also is expected to be on the agenda for tonight’s meeting. It covers all properties owned by the borough.
   That change, if adopted, would permit alcohol to be served at private railroad station events, provided the host of the event submits proof of liability insurance that includes coverage of the borough, as well as the host of an event.
   In addition to the railroad station, they include Hopewell Park and its gazebo, the freight shed near the railroad station and Borough Hall.
   Under the proposal, any individual or organization wishing to host a private event at a borough property would have to obtain a permit from the borough clerk.
   The measure would prohibit many activities on borough properties, including the consumption or possession of alcohol, with the exception of the above-mentioned affairs at the railroad station (for which the requisite insurance is provided).
   Among the prohibited activities would be leaving trash or garbage on the premises, operating vehicles anywhere in Hopewell Park except for paved areas, horseback riding, overnight camping and many others.
   Copies of the proposed ordinance are available at Borough Hall.