Operation Shoebox looks for help Saturday at VFW
Volunteers are invited to join Operation Shoebox New Jersey to pack care packages for U.S. troops overseas and commemorate the organization’s 8th anniversary on Saturday, June 8.
The packing will be at the Kavanaugh VFW Post 2290, 600 Washington Ave., Manville. Registration is at 11 a.m., followed by opening ceremonies. Packing begins at 11:30. A light lunch will be provided.
Soldiers, Marines, sailors and airmen who received packages during their deployments are expected to attend and extend their thanks to the volunteers.
Volunteer packers are encouraged to donate personal care items, including snacks and toiletries. Check the shopping list on www.opshoeboxnj.org and bring along a bag of needed items.
The packages will include a box of Girl Scout cookies donated by troops in the Heart of New Jersey Council; bagged candy collected from 15 Walgreen stores donated by shoppers; cans of tuna, fruit, trail mix, beef jerky, gum, candy, granola bars, powdered drink mixes, coffee, tea, oatmeal, hot chocolate, toothpaste, tooth brushes, ear swabs, moist wipes, sun block, eye drops, soap, shampoo, socks, stationery, envelopes, pens and batteries.
Volunteers will have the opportunity to sit down and write a short letter to the troops; all cards and letters will be inserted into the boxes. We’ll also add stuffed animals and other gift items for the troops to hand out to young Iraqi and Afghan children.
Since its founding in February, 2005, OPSHBX NJ volunteers have shipped more than 61,000 personal care packages overseas.
Financial support is also needed to help pay the costs of shipping the packages. All donations are tax deductible.
Volunteers are asked to sign up in advance by calling 908-698-0333 or on the website at www.opshoeboxnj.org.