MANVILLE: Senior picnic scheduled for July 11

Senior Corner column, issue of June 6

   The Manville Senior Citizens’ annual picnic will be on Thursday, July 11, at the Manville VFW from noon to 4 p.m.
   Tickets are $5 for members and $10 for guests. The last chance to buy tickets will be at the June 13 meeting. There will be no July meeting in lieu of the picnic.
   The Executive Committee will meet today, June 6.
   The Manville Senior Citizens meet at 12:30 p.m. the second Thursday of each month (next one is June 13) at the VFW on Washington Avenue. Residents of Manville age 50 and older are eligible for membership. Also, persons who do not remain residents of Manville are still eligible for membership.
   Canned goods or nonperishable food items will continue to be collected before each meeting, as well as soup labels.
   Remember to bring one item per member to stock the Food Bank.
   Blood pressure screening is held before the beginning of each meeting for members.
Recreation events
   • Tuesday, Dec. 3 — “Miracle of Christmas” at Sight and Sound, Lancaster, Pa. The Christmas story comes to life with inspirational music. Price includes show, lunch at Shady Maple Smorgasbord and transportation. Cost is $110 with first payment of $55 due Aug. 7 and final payment Sept. 4. Teens are $60 and children $45. Contact Pat Zangaro at 908-722-6708 for information.
   • Tuesday, Dec. 31 — New Year’s Eve Day celebration at the Royal Manor, Garfield. Trip includes family-style luncheon, show, one-hour open bar, dancing and comedian Marvin Bell. The cost is $90; first payment of $45 is due Sept. 4 and the second $45.00 by Oct. 2. Contact Pat Zangaro at 908-722-6708 to make a reservation. This trip is open to the public.
   • Atlantic City — Normally on the second Wednesday of each month, the next trip to Showboat Casino is June 26 for this month only. The bus leaves at 9 a.m. from the VFW parking lot. The cost is $30, of which $25 will be returned. This trip is open to the public. Call Josephine Pschar at 908-722-0156.
— Geraldine Klimowich 