Stephanie Harris, chairwoman
Task Force
on Voting Integrity
Coalition for Peace Action
I am a co-plaintiff, with the Coalition for Peace Action, in an eight-year-old law suit against the State of New Jersey, requesting voter verified paper ballots in New Jersey.
Thirty other states use paper ballots, which can be audited or recounted, while New Jersey continues to use insecure and unverifiable electronic voting machines.
How ironic that Gov. Chris Christie is willing to spend $24 million for a special election, while approximately the same amount could have been used to purchase more secure voting equipment, for which the state has claimed there are no funds!
Running a special election in October, on the electronic voting machines poses several problems: Is there time to reprogram the machines for the general election? In case of election irregularities in October, and machines are sequestered, would there be enough machines for the general election? Would the temptation be too great to violate the law and leave the machines unguarded at the polls for a few weeks?
Perhaps the governor will answer these questions by finally acquiescing to use paper ballots!