The Cranbury Lions Club awarded two $1,000 scholarships and one $250 Community Service award at its June 5 meeting, according to its President-elect, Fay Kobland.
By Jennifer Larkin, Special Writer
The Cranbury Lions Club awarded two $1,000 scholarships and one $250 Community Service award at its June 5 meeting, according to its President-elect, Fay Kobland.
”The scholarships and community service award is one of the ways that the Cranbury Lions serve the youth in Cranbury,” Ms. Kobland said.
The two $1,000 scholarships, started in 2003, are customarily based on excellence in science, and require the graduating high school senior to submit an application, essay, and two recommendations, according to Ms. Kobland.
One in the name of former Lion Dr. David Tudor, a practicing veterinarian and professor at Rutgers University, the Dr. David Tudor Memorial Scholarship and the Todd Beamer scholarship are each awarded annually to a Cranbury high school senior who is accepted into a post high school program and who best demonstrates citizenship, Ms. Kobland said.
The Community Service Award was named after its inspiration, Mr. Stan Thomas, according to Ms. Kobland.
Mr. Thomas was a long time resident of Cranbury who served with many volunteer organizations including the Cranbury Lions Club, Boy Scout Troop 52 and his church.
”The Cranbury Lions presents this annual award to a Cranbury Youth who exhibits the spirit of community service that Stan Thomas exhibited throughout his lifetime,” said Ms. Kobland.
Taking the Dr. David Tudor award was a senior with an affinity for Physics, said Ms. Kobland.
According to Ms. Kobland, Matthew Ko took AP Chemistry and AP Physics his junior year and enrolled in Physics courses at Princeton University this year.
”The recommendations revealed glowing reports of his accomplishments from both his Physics and Economics teachers. He has published his research at the Why-Sci database and presented at the American Physics Society,” Ms. Kobland said. “Matthew wants to be a part of the global energy solution by making fusion energy a reality and plans to attend Massachusetts Institute of Technology to further his goals in fusion research and development. Matthew’s passion and vision of his path in science is remarkable.”
The second scholarship is named after the man who uttered the famous “let’s roll” on 911.
”We are all aware of the ultimate, unselfish act of Todd Beamer that saved hundreds of lives,” said Ms. Kobland.
The Lions set up a scholarship in his name to be awarded annually to a township high school student who best demonstrates volunteerism, leadership or other virtues of service, according to Ms. Kobland.
”Competition for this award was amazing as we had eight applications and two very superior candidates,” Ms. Kobland said.
This year’s scholarship went to Amelia Ann Whaley who plans to attend Keystone College and major in Outdoor Recreational Management, according to Ms. Kobland.
According to Ms. Kobland, Ms. Whaley taught children at a survivor camp, worked at the Middlesex County Conservation Corps, and is also a volunteer Cranbury firefighter.
An aspiring Park Ranger, Ms. Whaley received letters of recommendation from her Girl Scout leader and high school history teacher, achieved the Girl Scout gold award for raising awareness about service dogs, as well as the Medal of Honor for performing the Heimlich maneuver on a teacher, Ms. Kobland said.
”The $250 Stan Thomas Community Service Award went to someone familiar to the Cranbury Lions, Clay Kaiser,” said Ms. Kobland, “There was three letters of recommendation, from his father, scout leader and Lions leader. It was clear to the committee that Clay exhibited this spirit of community service that Stan Thomas exhibited.”
According to Ms. Kobland, Mr. Clay has volunteered for the Lions on many service projects and is most famous for the new “from scratch” pancake recipe for the pancake breakfast the last two years.
He is most noted for “his Eagle Scout project of planting 80 trees for Cranbury Lions’ 80th anniversary, which turned into 120 trees and a $200 donation to the Lions,” Ms. Kobland said.
Specific information about each scholarship and application requirements can be found on our website at