PRINCETON: ‘The world awaits’ PHS Class of 2013 graduates

They sat together one last time as classmates on the front lawn of Princeton High School, the place they spent the past four years and the place they graduated from Thursday.

By Philip Sean Curran, Staff Writer
   They sat together one last time as classmates on the front lawn of Princeton High School, the place they spent the past four years and the place they graduated from Thursday.
   Reminded of their accomplishments and urged on in their futures, the roughly 350-member class of 2013 formed a small sea of blue in their caps and gowns. Students speakers did most of the talking during the ceremony, as four seniors spoke to their classmates.
   ”Our moments of success, our victories as a group, as a team and as a school, these are some of the big moments that taught us that it’s not just me versus the world, it’s actually us versus the world,” said Andrew Zysk. “We have upheld Princeton High School’s cultural traditions as much as we have upheld its traditions of achievement and academic excellence.”
   Senior Jinwoo Chong recalled the freshman version of himself, nervous for new classes and not sure he would make enough friends.
   ”Four years ago, I wasn’t really focused on really anything besides the immediate,” he said.
   ”There’s so much that changes when we enter high school that I don’t think we can really imagine the look of our lives a few months ahead of us, much less years.”
   Senior class president John Bond thanked the teachers “that have taught us and guided us along the way.”
   ”Class of 2013, your work is done here. The world awaits your spirit, your talents and your leadership,” high school principal Gary Snyder told them.
   Mr. Snyder cited the diversity of their backgrounds, young men and women from different parts of the world, some legacies at universities, while others the first to graduate from high school.
   He said the seniors “leave behind a lasting legacy and forever are a part of the history of this storied school.”
   In her remarks, Superintendent of Schools Judith A. Wilson first spoke to the parents in the crowd.
   ”Be genuinely happy with them and for them, being certain tonight to find the words to express your love and your pride. They are truly beautiful young adults,” said Ms. Wilson, as her voice trembled at one point.
   This being the last graduation that she will preside over as leader of the district, she told graduates they have joined a “long line of PHS alumni, a strong and proud and talented lineage of true blue values and beliefs.”
   Ms. Wilson is leaving the district at the end of December.