Three part-time teaching positions were created by the Hillsborough Board of Education at its July 22 meeting.
Three part-time teaching positions were created by the Hillsborough Board of Education at its July 22 meeting.
Two will be in special education in elementary schools, and one will be in art at the high school.
The board also renewed the contract of Lisa Antunes, assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction, at an annual salary of $163,246.
The board accepted the retirement of Elizabeth Keiper, instructional assistant at Hillsborough Middle School, effective Aug. 1. She had worked in the district since September 2000.
Kathleen Poch, academic support instructor at Hillsborough Elementary School, also resigned, effective Aug. 1. She had been employed in the system since March 1987.
The board accepted the resignation of Tibi Dragoiu-Luca, physics teacher at the high school, effective Sept. 2. She has been in the district since September 2001.
The board accepted the resignation of Brian West as head girls’ golf coach at the high school and replaced him with David Drake at a salary of $4,387.
Mr. Drake resigned as first assistant baseball coach at the high school and was replaced by Eric Eden, at a salary of $5,584. Salary figures are pending teacher association contract negotiations.
The board approved leaves of absence for Nicole Lamendola, math teacher at the middle school, through Jan. 24, 2014; Jeanine Reilly, instructional assistant at Woods Road School, through Oct. 28, and Hayley Risoli, academic support instructor/kindergarten teacher at Sunnymead School, through Dec. 20.
The board empowered Superintendent Jorden Schiff to hire staff for the next school year, pending board approval at its next meeting, scheduled for Aug. 19.