HILLSBOROUGH: Scrap metal thefts reported by police

Two are arrested for picking up railroad plates, spikes

   Hillsborough police reported three items involving the sale of scrap metal in recent weeks.
   Police said a New Amwell Road resident said Monday that scrap metal, estimated to be worth $100, was taken from his property some time over the past few weeks.
   Two weeks ago, Hillsborough police charged two people with theft for removing steel plates and railroad spikes from alongside the railroad tracks.
   Joseph Vadimski, 45, of Manville, was charged on Aug. 10 with the theft of items valued at an estimated $40. He was also charged with driving with a suspended license.
   On Aug. 9, Shannon Burke, 44, of Hillsborough was charged with trespassing and theft of items, valued at an estimated $25, from along the tracks, police said.