Wilf Campus Offers Free Education Programs in Monroe Township

By Toby Ehrlich
The Wilf Campus for Senior Living in Somerset is proud to announce a new partnership with Jewish Family and Vocational Services (JFVS). Wilf Campus professionals will provide educational programs and services at the newly-expanded Monroe Township office of JFVS, which is located at 52 Concordia Shopping Center in Monroe Township, NJ. Wilf Campus and JFVS are very excited to collaborate and offer these new programs.
September programs include:
Monday, September 9, 2013 from 10 to 12p.m. Toby Ehrlich, LCSW will present, “So your children say it’s time to look into Assisted Living…What Next?” Following the program a Wilf Campus Register Nurse will be available to answer any health related questionsthat you may have. Toby Ehrlich will also be available for individual consultations throughout the morning. Or just Stop by for Coffee and Donuts..
Tuesday, September 17 2013 from 1 to 3 p.m. Our Campus Chaplain, Rabbi Bryan Kinzbrunner will be presenting, “The Why of Judaism”. Hear answers to questions such as why do we stand during certain prayers or why is a tallit only worn during certain times of day and for certain prayers? Understand what the Yiskor prayers mean and much, much more. Bring your own questions and come away with answers. Or just stop by for a nosh and free gift!
If you are interested in any of these programs or would like to set up a private appointment to meet with a Wilf Campus professional about our Jewish Senior Campus or hospice services, call (609) 480-4374 or e-mail [email protected]. You can also learn more about the Wilf Campus by visiting www.wilfcampus.org.