HIGHTSTOWN: Boro to spend $165,000 on equipment

By Amy Batista, Special Writer
   The Borough Council aims to purchase new police, first aid and fire-fighting equipment.
   The council voted 6-0 at the Aug. 19 meeting to introduce an ordinance that appropriates $165,000, including $157,000 in bonds or notes, for the purchase of the equipment.
   ”We are replacing stuff that is old and adding new,” Mayor Steve Kirson said.
   The fire department will be acquiring helmets, gloves and hoods for $63,432, according to the ordinance.
   The first aid squad will be acquiring laptop computers capable of running emergency management services charts for the estimated cost of $6,346. In addition, the first aid squad will acquire portable Motorola radios for $16,923 and a power stretcher and defibrillators for the estimated cost of $24,327, according to the ordinance.
   The police department will acquire touch-screen monitors, a desktop processor, 911 dispatch chairs and trunk organizers for $16,077. The police department will also acquire stalker radar units for cars, 911 interface setup and training, narrow bank programming police radios, a radio repeater and a security camera for the estimated cost of $33,000. In addition, the police department will purchase ballistics equipment for the estimated cost of $4,865.
   Councilman Rob Thibault questioned why the borough couldn’t purchase the equipment piecemeal.
   Police Director James LeTellier, who is serving as the borough’s interim administrator, said information about the equipment had previously been presented to the council.
   ”All this information has been presented at the budget workshop,” Mr. LeTellier said, adding that some of the equipment would replace equipment destroyed during Hurricane Irene.
   ”There is nothing here that I haven’t discussed at public sessions,” Mr. LeTellier said. “If you need more information, I will definitely provide it.”
   The final reading and public hearing on the ordinance will take place on Sept. 3.