HILLSBOROUGH: School board again delays action on softball coach

More parents, players vouch for Rich Rosenblum

By Gene Robbins, Managing Editor
   Act II of the drama surrounding the Hillsborough Middle School head girls’ softball coaching job was put off again Monday — a delay that parents supporting last year’s coach, Rich Rosenblum, took as a temporary victory.
   The school board Oct. 28 pulled action on the coaching job off the agenda, the second time in two weeks.
   As it did on Oct. 28, the agenda for Monday night’s meeting proposed hiring Mark Dubyna as head softball coach at the middle school, replacing Mr. Rosenblum. This time, the agenda said Mr. Rosenblum was “non-renewed.” Two weeks ago, the agenda said Mr. Rosenblum had resigned.
   The agenda also showed seven letters from the public to the board about the topic of “middle school softball coach.” That area also listed Mr. Rosenblum as sending the board a “coaching evaluation rebuttal.”
   A parent, Jorge Cofino, asked the board to table any action until there could be more investigation. He was followed to the microphone by four high school-age softball players, for whom senior Diane Conrad spoke.
   She said Mr. Rosenblum had taught the girls “taught us way more than about softball,” but about life, how to be student-athletes and how actions reflect on themselves, their parents and their school.
   She spoke about his “unbelievable time and effort” and said she was still in touch with him today.
   Several parents spoke on Mr. Rosenblum’s behalf, including Jim VanDerveer, who said his daughter Alyssa, was about to sign a letter of intent to play softball for Penn State University. He called Mr. Rosenblum a good person and coach whom the school district was lucky to have.
   After Superintendent Jorden Schiff asked the item be pulled from the agenda, Mr. VanDerveer said that was the best that parents could hope for that night.
   Mr. Rosenblum hadn’t been recommended for reappointment by the school’s principal and athletic director.
   Other parents added praises for Mr. Rosenblum’s ability to teach the girls how to play as teammates while growing as persons, and stressing character, compassion and responsibilities.
   Board member Greg Gillette asked Guy Whitlock, the assistant superintended for personnel, about the rights of the employee and the obligations of the board. Mr. Whitlock said the employee has the right of confidentiality, keeping the board from discussing details. Only an employee could force the issue into the public realm, he said. The team won the middle school county championship last spring.
   Mr. Cofino said outside the meeting that considered the delay a second victory,” and that he understood the confidentiality restrictions.
   ”It’s in Rich’s court if he wants to make it public,” he said.
   At the Oct. 28 meeting Board President Thomas Kinst asked the members to pull the item from the night’s agenda and send it back to the personnel committee. No reports were given by committee chairs at this week’s meeting.