Township voters apparently saw little reason for change, as they carried Township Committee incumbents Dan Mulligan-R and Glenn Johnson-D to victory Tuesday night, defeating challengers Tom Connolly-R and Joseph Buonavolo
By Nicole M. Wells, Special Writer
CRANBURY — Township voters apparently saw little reason for change, as they carried Township Committee incumbents Dan Mulligan-R and Glenn Johnson-D to victory Tuesday night, defeating challengers Tom Connolly-R and Joseph Buonavolonta-D.
Township Clerk Kathleen Cunningham pored over scrolls of voting machine paper and tallied results alongside Republican and Democratic party leadership in the Senior Room of Town Hall, as candidates waited for the count to be finished and the winners decided.
On the Republican side, Mr. Mulligan walked away with some 800 votes, while Mr. Connolly picked up 508. For the Democratic ticket, Mr. Johnson received 665 votes and Mr. Buonavolonta took in 589.
”I feel great,” Mr. Mulligan said. “It’s nice that the residents of Cranbury came out and supported all of us running this year. I’m particularly thankful that they made me the leading vote-getter this year.”
Mr. Mulligan said that in his new term he would like to continue working with the other committee members in the best long-term interests of Cranbury.
”That’s really what’s important here,” Mr. Mulligan said. “Making sure that we stay on good, smart financial ground and do the things that keep Cranbury, Cranbury. It’s important to keep that alive and going.”
Mr. Johnson said he was glad he didn’t have to wait for the results this year.
”I’m very pleased,” Mr. Johnson said. “Last time I had to wait until they counted the absentee ballots so this is much nicer.”
This year marked Mr. Connolly’s second attempt to win election to the committee, having run unsuccessfully in 2012.
”I want to give back to the community,” Mr. Connolly said. “I grew up here – I’m a 23-year resident – and it’s a great place to grow up.”
According to his website, Mr. Connolly’s campaign was endorsed by Mr. Mulligan and the Middlesex County Young Republicans, as well as Win Cody and Wayne Wittman, both former mayors of Cranbury.
”I figure put your best foot forward and see what happens,” Mr. Connolly said. “I ran last year and I ran again this year. Last year I knocked on every door and this year I knocked on doors again and did letters and tried again to meet as many people as I can.”
Mr. Connolly said that he is a member of the township’s Parks Commission and Cable TV committee and that he will continue to work for a better Cranbury as a member of those committees.
Mr. Mulligan is the committee liaison to the Board of Education, Business & Professional Association, Scouts, Cranbury Housing Associates and court, according to the township’s website.
Mr. Johnson is the committee liaison to the fire company, League of Municipalities, Office of Emergency Management, administrative and executive department, first aid department and Middlesex County Solid Waste, according to the township’s website. He is currently serving as mayor of the five-member committee.
Committee members’ terms are for three years and are staggered, so that each year at least one committee member is up for election, according to the township’s website. The next committee member up for election is Susan Goetz, whose term expires Dec. 31, 2014.