Sandy Hook bird walk set for Dec. 8

Many varieties of birds can be seen when the Monmouth County Audubon Society hosts a bird walk on Sandy Hook on Dec. 8.

The trip will be led by members of the group, all of whom are very familiar with Sandy Hook and its birds, according to a press release.

Anyone interested in participating in the event can meet at 10 a.m. in parking lot B on Sandy Hook in northern Monmouth County.

The trip is open to members and nonmembers of the Monmouth County Audubon Society. There is no cost, and advance registration is not required.

Participants should dress appropriately for the weather, which can be blustery and unpredictable along the coast. Wear comfortable shoes, and bring binoculars and field guides. In case of questionable weather, check the organization’s website the evening before the trip for updates.

More information and directions to Sandy Hook can be obtained by visiting