Resources available for victims

A fter we learned that a woman in Keansburg had been sexually assaulted recently, it is important for everyone to realize that sexual violence does not take a holiday — or a snow day. While this woman was helping a friend dig out from the storm, she was lured away and sexually assaulted.

Sexual violence does not discriminate by race, socioeconomic status or sexuality. One in six females and one in 33 males will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. It is a crime that affects each of our communities in New Jersey.

Here in Monmouth County, 180 Turning Lives Around is a resource that can help sexual-assault victims and their families. Over the past year, 180 Turning Lives Around’s sexual-assault hotline answered 877 calls. Our toll-free sexual-assault hotline — 888-264-RAPE (7273) or 732- 264-RAPE — is available 24 hours, seven days a week. It is completely confidential.

In 2013, we provided counseling to 124 individuals. Our sexual assault response teams provided emotional support and 186 accompaniments for survivors during hospital medical examinations, police procedures and through the criminal justice system.

180 Turning Lives Around strives to break the cycle of violence by bringing our vast expertise in the areas of sexual violence to the classroom, professional organizations and community groups. Our dedicated staff and volunteers work to mobilize concerned individuals and community groups to join our efforts to end violence against women, men and children.

We urge anyone who has experienced sexual violence and abuse to reach out and get help, and we encourage members of the community to join us in our work to eliminate sexual violence in our society. Anna Diaz-White Executive Director 180 Turning Lives Around Inc.
