To the editor:
The last four words in the Pledge of Allegiance are “and justice for all.”
These words reflect the nation we strive to be.
Yet it is clear that, in many instances, racial, ethnic or sub-cultural characteristics may be dominating factors in the end results of judgment.
One of the most glaring miscarriages of justice is the jury’s decision in the shooting death of a 17-year-old African American, Jordan Davis. Many feel that the likely 90-year sentence of the perpetrator, Michael Dunn, can bring closure in this case, without the decision on the murder charge involved.
This cannot and should not be accepted as justice. Justice has not been given to the murdered Mr. Davis, nor to his family, other relatives, friends and yes, even to us here in Hillsborough.
Injustice, particularly in cases where unwarranted gun violence is involved, weakens the fabric which holds us Americans together. Acceptance of racially targeted or super-aggressive behavior encouraged by laws such as” Stand Your Ground” invite the use of guns as the SOLUTION in any dispute. While it is true that guns don’t kill people, it is also true that SOME people WITH guns kill people.
The attempt by Mr. Dunn to use the “Stand Your Ground” defense reveals how innocent people without guns may be denied justice by this law. Repeal of this and some similar laws are an urgent necessity.
Amadeo D’Adamo Jr.