Resident says cable company solves problems

Lately, in the press, there have been articles bashing cable television companies. I can only speak about Cablevision, as I have been a customer for a long time — 41 years, to be exact.

Originally, I lived in Long Island, N.Y., moving to New Jersey in 1989. I started using Cablevision in 1973, the same year Cablevision started. Although I am not happy with the constant increases in costs, having to take channels I never watch, paying monthly instead of a flat rate for their cable boxes and outlets I installed, I cannot bash their service. When I need help with my TV, phone or computer, they are right there to help by phone or to arrange a house call, usually for the next day. I have found their technicians to be courteous, and they have always fixed my problem. Having a technician at your home is far better than working with someone on the phone, for there are several techs that do not always have the answers. Richard Novick Marlboro