Residents need to start conserving water early


Spring is finally underway and, for many in New Jersey, this means the start of new gardening, lawn and landscaping plans. The spring planting season also coincides with the time most people begin having their lawn and landscaping irrigation systems turned on.

Normally, before the sprinklers get turned on, our Monmouth County customers collectively use a little more than 40 million gallons of water every day. However, at the height of summer, they use nearly twice as much, almost 80 million gallons or more a day. Nearly all of this increase comes from lawn irrigation.

And, as water demand approaches that 80-million-gallon mark, the water system starts to approach its limits, which causes localized pressure problems. To keep this from happening, we typically rely on a variety of restrictions, up to and including an outright ban on outdoor water use.

Consumers can take steps now to save both water and money on their water bills before the peak months are in full swing. When turning on your lawn irrigation system, set it for no more than every other day.

If your home address has an odd number, then water on odd-numbered calendar days. If you have an even-numbered address, then water on even days. You will save on your water bill, and you will be helping both the water system and your local fire department. To conserve even more water, take a water holiday. Skip watering on the 31st of the month and on July 4, which is usually near the peak water demand period of the year.

According to Rutgers Cooperative Extension and Research, watering every other day is all your lawn needs. More Monmouth County lawns go yellow in the summer from overwatering. Specifically, watering just two or three times per week, for about 45 minutes per area, allows the soil to absorb the water and encourages deep root growth, which makes lawns more drought-tolerant.

An easy way to check if the lawn needs water? Just step on the lawn. If the grass springs back, it does not need water. Make sure to water lawns and gardens early in the morning before the heat of the day starts.

Homeowners and other property owners with sprinkler or irrigation systems can adopt a number of practices to not only conserve water, but to use it more efficiently.

At the beginning of spring, have your irrigation system inspected and tested. Check piping for leaks, breaks or collapsed lines. Sprinkler heads should be operating correctly and adjusted properly so the correct areas are watered. Make sure sprinklers are not aimed at driveways, streets or other paved areas.

Consider upgrading your system controller to a WaterSense system that uses the latest technology that will irrigate when soils are dry or that use weather-based controllers.

Keep water conservation in mind even before you plant. There are a number of ways to incorporate water-saving practices into the design and plant selection process.

Some recommendations include:

 Select native and drought-resistant plants and grasses for your landscape and garden. Native species tend to be hardier and may require less maintenance than nonnative varieties.

 Group plantings together by the amount of water they require.

 Minimize the amount of turf areas on your property.

 Mulching landscaping and garden beds helps to cool the soil and preserves moisture. However, do not overmulch. Two to three inches of organic mulch material is optimum in most applications.

Proper lawn maintenance is another way to conserve water. According to Rutgers Cooperative Extension, most lawn species in New Jersey have a mowing height of 2.5 to 3 inches. Mowing grass lower than 2 inches can make lawns less drought resistant and more susceptible to disease and insect damage.

For more detailed resources about smart irrigation practices, water usage and other water conservation tips, visit New Jersey American Water Company at or Rutgers Cooperative Extension and Research at

Peter A. Eschbach is the director of communications and external affairs with New Jersey American Water Company.