Remove Mercer County support of Ringling Bros.

Annie Saunders
Hopewell Township
   The following letter was written to Mercer County Executive Brian Hughes:
    Thank you for your efforts to organize family events at the Sun National Bank arena, including Disney on Ice and any other event that provides a cost- effective means for Mercer County families to attend otherwise cost-prohibitive events.
   The Ringling Bros. Barnum and Bailey Circus is not one of these events that Mercer County should be encouraging for family attendance. Any circus that uses exotic animals that appear on endangered species lists should not be associated with Mercer County.
   The vast majority of informed Americans is choosing to boycott circuses that use animals, and turn instead to those such as Cirque de Soleil that only use humans in their acts. Informed Americans are aware that circuses and zoos teach their children nothing about animals, and that these institutions only perpetuate the unethical and inhumane treatment of species that are critically endangered globally.
   There are other versions of the Ringling Bros. circus that do not involve the exotic animals.
   Animal activists will be lining the street bombarding the families entering the arena with graphic posters and shouting epithets at those arriving and I do not feel that this is an environment suitable for children.
   Please change your involvement to no longer support this variety of family entertainment for Mercer County.